The SE Asian market picture stays quite favorable for Supramax/Ultramax owners. In addition to lively coal flow on the Indo-China route, players have started to report increased demand for new coal shipments from Indian charterers, which allows owners to insist on further rates hikes. Note that amid the monsoon season in India and still low Indian Ocean market, owners are asking for a premium in case of shipments with corresponding redelivery. Thus, relevant TCT deals are discussed around $2k daily above last week’s levels.
As for the Indian direction:
A 63k dwt vessel has been fixed at $36.75k daily bss dely mid-China via Indo redel WCI;
Another ship of 63k dwt open Bohai Bay has been chartered at $32k daily for an Indo RV bss redel India with prompt laycans;
Reportedly, a modern 61k dwt carrier has been fixed at a strong $46k daily bss DOP Indo redel Pakistan;
A 60k dwt vessel has been chartered at $30k daily bss dely Tuticorin via Indo redel Pakistan;
The contract for a 55k dwt ship bss dely Thailand via Indo redel India has been signed at $32k daily with June 24-30 laycans;
A 53k dwt carrier has been fixed at $30.5k daily for pulp transportation bss passing Spore via Indo redel PG-WCI.
With regard to the Chinese/SE Asian direction:
A 63k dwt vessel has been fixed at $33k daily + 20k bb bss dely S.Kali redel China (passing Singapore);
A ship of 61k dwt has been chartered at $35k daily bss dely S.China via Indo redel Thailand;
The contract for a 60k dwt carrier bss dely Kendari via Indo redel Thailand has been signed at $35k daily;
A 57k dwt vessel has been fixed at $28.5k daily for nickel ore transportation bss dely S.China via Philippines redel China;
The deal for a 56k dwt ship bss DOP Indo redel Philippines has been signed at $31.5k daily;
Another 56k dwt vessel was fixed and failed subs at $28.5k daily for tapioca chips transportation bss DOP Thailand redel China, but later this ship has been chartered at around $30k daily bss Indo RV redel Thailand;
The contract for a 52k dwt carrier bss dely Singapore via Indo redel China has been concluded at $29.5k daily.
As for other routes:
A 63k dwt vessel has been chartered at $33k daily bss dely Thailand via SE Asia redel PG;
A 60k dwt carrier was fixed and failed subs at $36.5k daily bss passing Singapore via Indo redel Greece;
A 57k dwt ship has been chartered at $40k daily for clinker transportation bss dely Thailand redel Bangladesh.
Meanwhile, the cargo traffic from Australia remains limited:
A 64k dwt vessel has been fixed at $34.5k daily for grains transportation bss dely Indo via Aussie redel Philippines;
Another ship of 64k dwt has been chartered at $29k daily for salt transportation bss dely S.Viet via W.Aus redel S.Korea;
A 60k dwt carrier has been fixed at $26.5k daily for a coal shipment bss dely CJK via Aussie redel Taiwan.
On the voyage basis:
Charterers pay $34/t for transportation of 50,000 t of coal from E.Kali to WCI (equivalent to $32k daily bss dely Philippines);
Carrying 55,000 t of coal from E.Kali to ECI with 8,000c/12,000c l/d rates is quoted by ISM at $29.25/t;
Shipment of 50,000 t of coal from S.Kali to Guangzhou with 8,000c/12,000c l/d rates is estimated by ISM at $21.25/t;
Carrying 55,000 t of barley from Kwinana to S.China with 10,000x/8,000x l/d rates is quoted by ISM at $45/t.