The Far Eastern Supramax/Ultramax market remains sluggish for early-mid June laycans. Players continue to report limited cargo traffic ex regional ports, which together with a wide choice of tonnage in the area allows charterers to get lower rates. However, ISM sources have already started to note increased number of steel requests with late June laycans, which can support the market in the short term. Note also that activity is looking limited this week given the return of Chinese players from long holidays and another surge in bunker prices. Corresponding TCT rates are as follows:
Reportedly, owners of Supramax fleet are seeking to get $25k daily for transportation of bulk cargo bss DOP N.China redel SE Asia, while charterers bid at mere $21k daily;
A 57k dwt vessel has been fixed at $25k daily for clinker transportation bss DOP S.China redel Philippines;
As for back-haul traffic, a 63k dwt carrier has been chartered at $32.7k daily for steel transportation bss DOP CJK via Far East redel USG;
Brokers suggest low $30s k daily for Supramax steel shipments bss DOP Far East redel Med;
A 57k dwt vessel was fixed and failed subs at $32k daily bss dely CJK redel SAfr;
With regard to the NOPAC sector, brokers suggest high $20s k daily for a NOPAC RV bss dely CJK;
However, owners of a 61k dwt carrier have managed to get mere $22.5k daily bss dely N.China via NOPAC redel SE Asia, rumors say.
On the voyage basis, transportation of 55,000 t of coal from Vanino to Shanghai is quoted by ISM at $21-22/t with 12,000c/12,000c l/d rates;
Carrying 45,000 t of urea from N.China to Tuticorin with 5,000c/10,000x l/d rates is estimated by ISM at $42/t;
Shipment of 50,000 t of grains from Vancouver to Taiwan with 10,000x/6,000x l/d rates is quoted by ISM at $52.75/t.
The Handysize segment also stays depressed:
Brokers suggest low-mid $20s k daily for 28k dwt fleet bss DOP CJK redel SE Asia;
Reportedly, a 28k dwt vessel has been fixed on subs at $25k daily for steel transportation bss DOP N.China redel Indonesia;
As for CIS RVs, an overaged Handymax carrier has been chartered at $30k daily for a CIS RV bss dely Far East;
As for back-haul traffic, brokers suggest low $30s k daily for 30-32k dwt fleet bss dely Far East redel Med;
On the voyage basis, shipment of 30,000 t of bulk DAP from Zhenjiang to Karachi with 10,000c/4,500x l/d rates is quoted by ISM at $55-56/t;
Transportation of 30,000 t of coal from Vanino to Shanghai with 10,000c/10,000c l/d rates is estimated by ISM at $29/t.