Romania, France and Poland to see poorer soft wheat yield
06.07.2022 12:49
The European Commission has lowered estimates on soft wheat production in the EU in 2022 from 130.4 million tonnes to 125 million tonnes due to deteriorating yield prospects in some key producing countries of the Union, such as Romania, France and Poland. The export volume, however, has remained unchanged, still hovering around 38 mmt.
The pace of the harvesting campaign is quite inspiring in France, the crops quality is generally good, but yields differ depending on a region.
As of June 27, 2022, soft wheat crops have been harvested from 5% of the planted area (up 3 percentage points over the week). Note that harvesting did not even start on June 27, 2021. Similar to last week, up to 64% of soft wheat crops are now estimated to be in good and excellent condition compared with 79% in the previous year. Winter barley was harvested from 41% of the planned area, though just 2% of the land under such grain was processed as of the same sate of 2021.
As for spring barley, farmers have already got down to harvesting and processed 5% of the planned area as of June 27, 2022, harvesting was not even launched on that date in 2021. The condition of 62% of winter barley and 52% of spring barley is rated in as good and excellent compared to last year’s figures of 74% and 83%, respectively.
In the meantime, Germany enjoys favorable precipitation. The Association of German Agricultural Cooperatives predicts wheat production to reach 22.65 mmt, up 5.9% from the crop reported in the previous season.